Three Reasons Why Children Should Drink Distilled Water

Safe drinking water should be the topmost priority for both children and adults. However, children below 12 are most sensitive and vulnerable to diseases caused due to unhealthy drinking water.

There is a variety of drinking water available for consumption such as tap water, bottled water, and purified water. But when it comes to babies, we must always prefer the safest form of drinking water, and as we all know nothing could be as secure as distilled water.

A combination of nutritious baby formula and distilled water serves as the best quality meal for your infant. Hence, look for the best distilled water for baby with the right packaging.

Reasons why babies need distilled water:

Babies are in their developing stage when the internal, as well as external organs, are rapidly maturing. Their immune system is in its formation stage which often gets disrupted due to the consumption of tap water.

The organs which excrete out harmful wastes are underdeveloped in babies and so, they are more prone to be targeted by severe health complications.

Here are three reasons why babies need distilled water:

1.  Protection from chemicals

Several types of tap water are likely to cause serious health issues like cancer, learning disabilities, abdominal infections, parasitic diseases, and growth-related issues.

According to studies, it has been found that growing children are at a greater risk of chemical exposure than adults. Infants have an immature, permeable blood-brain barrier which increases the chances of adverse effects of chemicals. Since tap water contains perilous chemicals, their consumption could lead to low IQ and learning disabilities.

The amount of chemical-binding proteins is less in babies which allows chemicals to target the various organs of its body. Distilled water is devoid of chemicals and pesticides and so, they are the best drinking water for the tender and vulnerable age of infants.

2.  Mineral rich

Distilled water is an unadulterated form of water. Distillation involves boiling of water followed by its conversion into steam which is then condensed into liquid form. On the other hand, tap water contains minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

According to FDA regulations, baby formula is in itself enriched with minerals, micronutrients, and macronutrients. Hence, the consumption of tap water along with baby formula can cause an overdose of minerals. The best distilled water for babies maintains a balance of nutrients in the body.

There is a high level of nitrates in drinking water in the areas of Mid-West and farmlands. Nitrate in water causes blue baby syndrome in infants due to which their skin turns blue. This is because nitrates take away the oxygen of red blood cells, turning the body of infant pale and blue.

Tap water, spring water, and well water generally contain lead. Exposure of lead to babies can cause severe health hazards such as low IQ, learning disabilities, anemia, and hyperactivity. Such contamination is not found in distilled water.

3.  Pure and pesticide free

Tap water is contaminated with pesticides, bacteria, and viruses. Many harmful pesticides go unregulated by monitoring bodies such as EPA. To ensure your infant’s safety from pesticides, buy water distillers that purify tap water, removing all its harmful toxins and contaminants. They give you the best distilled water for the baby.

The most detrimental impacts on babies are caused due to bacteria and viruses. Due to their unique process of boiling and condensation, distillation kills all the bacteria and viruses present in water.

Besides the aforementioned contaminants, there are other unknown harmful substances which are present in normal drinking water. While local municipalities examine and control the levels of contaminants in tap water, it is still left with some unknown toxins and chemicals.

To get the best distilled water for baby, buy purifier equipment that eliminates all the hazardous substances from water, ensuring the safety of your baby from many serious health problems.


Using distilled water cuts down our efforts of boiling water and cleaning bottles. Do not use tap or spring water for even cleaning the bottle as they gradually form layers of minerals on the surface of its walls, affecting the quality of distilled water.

Distilled water is not just pure and safe, but their packaging is also done with the utmost care. During the distillation procedure, the bottle is also decontaminated by cleansing with ozone.